John McConihe, Correspondence
MS 308
Box: 1
Folder: 3
Archives & Special Collections, University of Nebraska–Lincoln Libraries


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Friend John

I write this letter to you for the purpose of raising some money with which to figure at the coming Land Sale in Sept. I think that if I had $1000 to use here then, that I might in buying and selling Warrants, and in many other ways, where there will be no sick, make a little money where with to pay expenses. These Land Sales are my last and only hope now. If I can do nothing here, even while the land sales are going off, it becomes a very serious question with me, about remaining here much longer. In fact I shall in that event look upon the Map for another residence.

I wish to borrow $1000 dollars for one year and will pay there for 10 per cent per annum and give you my security upon whatever property you wish. I will give you a mortgage upon the Howard Add. lots at Council Bluffs

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or upon our lot and improvements upon Farnham St. I cannot in these times, afford to pay any greater int. than 10p.ct. as I may pay interest, without using the money, if it cannot be used to ad—vantage during the sales. You are well aware that I have done nothing here this year, but settle up and straighten out last years affairs. I would consent to give 15 pr. ct. if I could not get money at 10 pr. and with you to get it at the best rates you can for me. I wish you would keep this quiet, and whatever you do let it be done quickly. I am not in debt a single dollar here, there is no incum—brance upon any of my property, and all I owe in the world is in those notes of which you are well aware. I cannot sell property in these times, as you know, and I take this course in order to keep moving. There will be no doubt about my not being paid when due, as I have notes & securities due and growing due of over $2000#, a greater part of which I shall collect in one year. I enclose you my note for $1000 dollars, and wish you would

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send me the money on the same as soon as you can, for you will see there is little or no time to loose [sic] in which to have the money get here by Sept 6th. At all counts send as soon as you can. when I know what security you desire, as callateral, I will immediately send it to you. Don't ne—glect to send the money, if you can, as soon as you receive this, and you may depend upon having your security in proper shape, for—ward to you. Gold will be better for my use, but if yo think it will help you, or assist me to the money, send currency.

I can do better buying Warrants there than in N.Y., I think, with a part of the money in Gold, and the balance in 4 160 acre Warrants would accomodate me best. In this shape I can both sell and buy. Write me on receipt of this and do the the best you can for me. I do not intend to buy any lands at the sales, altho I know it is a grand speculation. Say nothing about his and I shall remain

Your friend

J McConihe