John McConihe, Correspondence
MS 308
Box: 1
Folder: 1-15
Archives and Special Collections, University of Nebraska-Lincoln Libraries


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Document Gallery

The Document Gallery contains images of letters and accounts of McConihe and Kellogg's land warrant business, letters to Kellogg from local businessmen regarding financial interests of McConihe and listings of recipients of warrants sold.

Notice of the East Nebraska City Company issued 19 November 1856 for payment of stock held by John Kellogg and John McConihe.
East Nebraska City Company notice, 19 November 1856

Account of share expenses in warrants sold as recorded by John Kellogg.
Expense Accounts of Warrants Sold, 1859

Listing of warrants and price sold as recorded by John Kellogg.
Warrant Listing, 1859

Listing of dates and prices of warrants sold as recorded by John Kellogg.
Account of Warrants sold in June and July, 1859

Account of land warrant buiness (warrants and expenses), as recorded by John Kellogg.
Cost of Land Warrants sent to John McConihe to Sell, 1859

Listing of 44 warrants and recipients.
Schedule of 44 Warrants sent to Omaha by T.H. Walker, 1859

Listing of 45 warrants and their recipients.
Schedule of 45 Warrants, 1859

Listing of 100 warrants and their recipients.
Schedule of 100 Warrants, page one, 1859

Continuation of listing of 100 warrants and their recipients.
Schedule of 100 Warrants, page two, 1859

Listing of 27 warrants and thier recipients.
Schedule of 76 Warrants, page one, 1859

Continuation of warrant listing with eight warrants and their recipients.
Schedule of 35 Warrants, page two, 1859

Account of land warrant buiness (warrants and expenses), as recorded by John Kellogg.
Accounts of Expenses and Warrant Sales, page one, c. 1859

Listing warrants and price sold as recorded by John Kellog.
Accounts of Expenses and Warrant Sales, page two, c. 1859

Listing of 26 warrants and their recipients as recorded by John Kellogg.
Schedule of 42 Warrant Recipients, page one, c. 1859

Listing of remaining 16 warrants and their recipients as recorded by John Kellogg.
Schedule of 42 Warrant Recipients, page two, c. 1859

Table of land warrants sold in November and total amount recieved as figured by John McConihe.
Account of Land Warrants Sold in November, 1859

Official note of sale of 42 160 Acre Land Warrants for the price of $5,779.20 bought by Kellog and sent to McConihe on 17 June 1859.
Le Huray & Co Land Warrant Note, 26 January 1859

Official note of sale of 16 160 Acre Land Warrants for the price of $2,201.60 bought by Kellog and sent to McConihe on 5 May 1859.
Le Huray & Co Land Warrant Note, 24 January 1859

Table of land warrants sold and amount received for the month of July as figured by John McConihe.
Land Warrants sold for John Kellogg, John McConihe in account, 1859

Letter by Amrstrong notifies Kellogg of $513.82 placed in John McConihe's credit.
Correspondence, George Armstrong to John Kellogg, 25 November 1862

Letter sent by Walker to Kellogg with encolsure of patent for land warrants.
Correspondence, T.H. Walker to John Kellogg, 18 June 1862

Letter by Reed details enclosure of $50 in collection of rent for John McConihe.
Correspondence, Byron Reed to John Kellogg, 29 October 1863

Letter by Reed acknowledges the receipt of payment by Kellogg to Reed in clearing deed from John McConihe to A.S. Paddock.
Correspondence, Byron Reed to John Kellogg, 3 December 1863

Letter by Reed discusses mortage and insurance on buildings in Omaha, Nebraska, previously paid by John McConihe.
Correspondence, Byron Reed to John Kellogg, 20 March 1865