Nebraska Risks Losing Baseball

Project Editor: Drew Hartley, History 470: Digital History, Spring 2008

Table of Contents

Nebraska Risks Losing Baseball
1st Sport at UNL: (1883/4)
MVC Closes Program: (1911)
Brief Season: (1912)
Attempted Revival: (1917)
The Final Revival: (1919)

Excitement among students upon the return of baseball shown in the yearbook.

A photograph of Adelloyd Whiting Williams waving a University of Nebraska Banner, c. 1900.  DOI: 2006

Excitement among students upon the return of baseball as shown in the yearbook.

Shown here are two pages from the 1921 yearbook (Cornhusker, 254). The pages from the yearbook expresses excitement of the student body towards the newly revived program.