Credits and Acknowledgements
Primary Sources:
- “An Act to amend an Act entitled “An Act to establish the University of Nebraska.”” Statutes of Nebraska, 1871. §§ 117-118.
- "An Act Providing for the more efficient government of the state university and for the disposition of funds belonging thereto.” Statutes of Nebraska, 1875. §§ 154-155.
- “An Act To amend sections three (3), four (4), seven (7), eight (8), twenty (20), twenty-one (21) and twenty-three (23), of chapter seventy-eight (78) of the general statues of Nebraska, entitled “An act to establish the university of Nebraska.” (sic) Statutes of Nebraska, 1877. §§ 56-59.
- “An Act To provide for the Location of the Seat of Government of the State of Nebraska, and for the erection of Public Buildings thereat.” Statutes of Nebraska, 1867. §§ 52-56.
- "An Act To provide for the registry, sale, leasing and general management of all lands and funds set apart for educational purposes, and for the investment of funds arising from the sale of such lands.” Statutes of Nebraska, 1877. §§ 174-188.
- "An Act to provide for the Registry of School Lands, for the control and disposition thereof, and for the safe keeping of the funds derived from the Sale and Lease of said lands.” Statutes of Nebraska, 1867. §§ 37-44.
- -“An Act To provide for the sale of lands set apart for a model farm.” Statutes of Nebraska, 1875. § 306.
- "An Act to provide for the selection and entry of public lands in the State of Nebraska.” Statutes of Nebraska, 1867. §§ 60-61.
- “Constitution of the State of Nebraska.” Statutes of Nebraska, 1867. §§ 13-24.
- “Joint Resolution Accepting Act of Congress of the United States.” Statutes of Nebraska, 1869. §§ 308-312.
- “An Act donating Public Lands to the several States and Territories which may provide Colleges for the Benefit of Agriculture and Mechanic Arts.” 12 Stat. 503 1862.
- “An act to amend an act donating public lands to the several States and Territories which may provide colleges for the benefit of agriculture and the mechanic arts.” 22 Stat. 484 1883.
- “An act to apply a portion of the proceeds of the public lands to the more complete endowment and support of the colleges for the benefit of agriculture and the mechanic arts established under the provisions of an act of Congress approved July second, eighteen hundred and sixty-two.” 26 Stat. 417 1890.
- Nebraska Board of Regents. Annual Report. 1871.
- Nebraska Board of Regents. Annual Report. 1873.
- Nebraska Board of Regents. Biennial Report. 1874.
- Nebraska Board of Regents. Biennial Report. 1877.
- Nebraska Board of Regents. Biennial Report. 1881.
- Nebraska Board of Regents. Biennial Report. 1882.
- Nebraska Board of Regents. Biennial Report. 1884.
- Nebraska Board of Regents. Biennial Report. 1886.
- Nebraska Board of Regents. Biennial Report. 1888.
- Nebraska Board of Regents. Biennial Report. 1890.
Secondary Sources
- Department of Public Relations. “Autumn 1960.” University Report, Autumn 1960: 3-11
- Hannah, James J. The Ideas and Plans in the Founding of the University of Nebraska.
- MA Thesis, History Department, UNL, Lincoln: University of Nebraska, 1951.
- Horton, Agnes. “Nebraska’s Agricultural-College Land Grant.” In Nebraska History: A Quarterly Magazine. Lincoln, NE: Nebraska State Historical Society. 50-76. 1949.
- Knoll, Robert E. Prairie University. Lincoln, NE: University of Nebraska Press, 1995.
- Manley, Robert N. Centennial History of the University of Nebraska. Vol. I. II vols. Lincoln, NE: University of Nebraska Press, 1969.
- Pound, Louise. “The Founding of the University.” In Semi-centennial anniversary book. The University of Nebraska, 1869-1919, by University of Nebraska (Lincoln campus), 2-12. Lincoln, NE: The University, 1919.
The author of this project is in debt to the helpfulness provided from the following:
- Professor Douglas Seefeldt, UNL
- Professor Andrew Jewell, UNL
- US Gov. Doc. Librarian Charles Bernholz, UNL
- Archives Associate Josh Caster, UNL
- Deputy Librarian Marie Wiechman, Nebraska State Library
- Archives & Special Collections, UNL
- Nebraska State Library