Burnett to Jewett, Band Committee


Burnett to Jewett, Band Committee


1929 response to Colonel Jewett from Burnett encouraging the organization of a committee to fundraise for the band, as the university cannot always be held responsible for purchasing uniforms.


E. A. Burnett


RG#05/11/03 Office of the Chancellor E. A. Burnett B5 Folder "Military"



Colonel F. F. Jewett,
The University.

My dear Colonel Jewett:
Replying to your favor of the 27th ult., in line with our conversation, I think the uniforms for the band should be maintained in good condition so that they make a good appearance. If it has been customary for the University to furnish such uniforms, I should say that this would be a legitimate item in your budget when making out the request for next year.
I think everyone recognizes that the band is a University institution and that the numbers need to present a good appearance. We cannot, of course, charge this up against them personally.
In the matter of a committee to raise funds by which the band may make trips with the football team or to represent the University, if upon consideration you think it advisable to appoint such a committee I should be glad to have you make recommendations as to the personnel of the committee.
I am
Very sincerely yours,

E. A. Burnett




E. A. Burnett, “Burnett to Jewett, Band Committee,” Nebraska U, accessed May 3, 2024, https://unlhistory.unl.edu/items/show/309.

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