Report to Regents by Committee on Czech Language Program


Report to Regents by Committee on Czech Language Program


Board of Regents special committee, Bohemian Language Program


A letter to the regents from the committee to determine whether or not to create a Czech Language Department in 1905.


Special Collections, Love Library


October, 19, 1905



Original Format



To the Regents of the University of Nebraska.


Your committee appointed at your meeting on Sept, 30, 05, to consider the expediency of in-troducing instruction in the Bohemian language into the curriculum of the University, begs to submit the following report.
In the first place, it does not appear to your committee that Bohemian is possessed of sufficient significance to justify its admission into the curriculum on purely academic grounds. As a representative of Slavonic languages its study is of loss ad-vantage, philologically considered, than that of Russian; while from the point of view of literature its body of general and scientific thought is as yet comparatively negligible.
In the second place as a medium of communication the study of Bohemian seems unlikely, by reason of its limited application, to be of much practical importance, save to a small proportion of the foreign speaking population. And in their case it is questionable whether the University would feel justified in encouraging and perpetuating such racial and linguistic distinctions solely for their own sake.
For these reasons, therefore, your committee would respect-fully recommend that it is not at present advisable to introduce the teaching of Bohemian into the University.

1st meeting Oct. 19, 05 appointed a sub committee to study & report

(unclear) Meeting of full committee Nov. 23.

Full committee vote approval of the above
(unclear) E B A

Ellery W. Davis
P.H. Frye
Grove E. Barb?
Sub committee E B(unclear) A (unclear) Charms




“Report to Regents by Committee on Czech Language Program,” Nebraska U, accessed September 12, 2024,

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