Last Hard Scrimmage for Oregon Aggies


Last Hard Scrimmage for Oregon Aggies


Nebraska Football


The Nebraska football team attempted to prepare for the Oregon Aggies. Coach Stewart feared the Aggies because of their strong showings earlier in the season and knew this would be a tough contest.


Last Hard Scrimmage for Oregon Aggies, The Daily Nebraskan


October 18, 1916



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Last Hard Scrimmage for Oregon Aggies

Stewart put squad through long hard work

Donnegan added to Number of Men Who Will Make Trip- 23 Now Going

A little bit of everything was tried out on Nebraska field in preparation for the Oregon Aggies. Tackling the dummy, blocking, punting, charging, receiving kickoffs and going down under kickoffs were all on the program last night.
Scrimmage for the evening was long and hard. The only advantage gained from it was in teaching the varsity the new plays. No plays have been learned by the scrubs that the Oregon team is using. Practice in stopping their plays will come during the trip when more of their style is learned.
An attempt at present is being made to get more weight and speed in the backfield. This is accomplished when Otoupalik and Riddell are switched to backfield, but their places in the line are hard to fill and that is what is causing worry lines to appear on the coaches brow.
Fear of Aggies
Stewart has a real fear of the Aggies since they defeated the strong Washington state team last Saturday. Last year the Washington team defeated Stewart's Aggies 28 to 0 and ran up larger scores on all of its other opponents.
A wet ball was used in practice to get the men used to handling a slippery ball, as it is liable to be raining on the coast most of the time the team is there.
"Shamrock" Donnegan was the last man to be added to the squad to make the trip. This makes a total of 23 men who went on the trip.


2,000 Farewell contd.:Last Hard practice.jpg


“Last Hard Scrimmage for Oregon Aggies,” Nebraska U, accessed April 28, 2024,

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