Letter, to Chancellor Hardin, on E. Mott Davis


Letter, to Chancellor Hardin, on E. Mott Davis


Davis, E. Mott


A letter about E. Mott Davis, the museum, and the anthropology department at the university.


1954, Dec. 28


Dustin Vnuk


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Printed letter


Dear Chancellor Hardin:
Position of Mott Davis, Anthropology
The original appointment of Dr. Mott Davis to the University contained certain provivions which were outlined by Dean Oldfather in a letter to Mr. Davis of May 13, 1948.
Briefly, the letter staed that the appointment would carry duties in the Museum and in the Department of Sociology and Anthropology. There was also the provision made that Mr. Davis' Ph.D. thesis could be worked out through field work conducted for the Museum.Since 1948 several things have happened which make it neessary to redefine the position: (1) Mr. Davis has now finished his doctorate; (2) the original need for an anthropologist as a research man in the Museum has been met; (3) the department of Sociology and Anthropology has now been separated into a department for each. Dr. John Champe now heads the Department of Anthropology.
The following recommendations come as a result of a two year study of the problem of relations between the Department of Anthropology and the University Museum. They hcae essentially been agreed to by all of the principlas involved.
1. Starting February 1, 1955, Dr. Mott Davis will assume a full-time position in the Department of Anthropology similar t full-time appointments in all or out departments. His salary should appear as an appointment split half and half between Anthropology and the Museum. This transfer does not exclude the use of Professor Davis at some future date as a consultant to the Museum. 2. Starting February 1, 1955, Professor John Roberts will assume the position of Curator of Anthropology in addition to his present position as associate professor of anthropology. Currently, there will be no salary or budget exchange. Mr. Roberts will study in detail the needs of the Museum for the help of an anthropologist, and he will study the relation between the Museum and the department. After a suitable time, he and Dr. Schultz will make recommendations for a permanent arrangement between the two units.




“Letter, to Chancellor Hardin, on E. Mott Davis,” Nebraska U, accessed May 15, 2024, https://unlhistory.unl.edu/items/show/1116.

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