First Lady Calls on Isolated Americans


First Lady Calls on Isolated Americans


Gila News-Courier editorial staff


Periodical: Gila News-Courier
volume: III
number: 9
pages: p. 3
September 13, 1943




In an atmosphere charged with expectancy, Gila waited for the momentous visit. Just two days earlier, news of the execution of Doolittle raiders had stopped all leaves.

Into the community stepped Eleanor Roosevelt, as simply and quietly as one American visits another. Without fanfare, without military escort, with only her confidential secretary as attendant she came, informally as is her fashion, was favorably impressed by evacuee fortitude, urged resettlement, captivated residents, and left, all in a day.

The First Lady visited the two high schools, the women's recreation hall, children's toy and loan library, mess halls 66 and 4, and the camouflage net factory. She met residents, signed autographs, obliged reporters, smiled her discerning smile, waved and left.

She took with her a model ship from Gila's ship factory as a gift for the President. She took with her gifts from several women's organizations. Bus she left for Gilans a bit of happiness, a bit of satisfaction, and a lot of faith in democracy.

For here was democracy in action, and Gilans hadn't seen it in action for a long time.




Gila News-Courier editorial staff, “First Lady Calls on Isolated Americans,” Nebraska U, accessed May 2, 2024,

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