Team Plays Hookey-- Home Tomorrow


Team Plays Hookey-- Home Tomorrow


Nebraska Football


The Nebraska football team, basking in it's glory after beating the Oregon Aggies 17-7 on a long road trip, decided to take an extra day of celebration. This threw some plans for a welcome ceremony out of whack, but during such an unprecedented victory, some spontaneity was to be expected.


Team Plays Hookey-- Home Tomorrow, The Daily Nebraskan


October 25, 1916



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Team Play Hookey-- Home Tomorrow

Celebration Planned as Welcome is Postponed

No Known Reason for Delay- Burlington Informs Dean Engberg of Plans

The football team and the band are playing hookey.
Expected to arrive in Lincoln this noon or shortly after, they sent word last night to Executive Dean Enberg, who had given permission for 1 o'clock classes to be excused, that they would not get into town today, the word coming from the Burlington railroad officials.
One o'clock classes will not be excused.
The Innocents had a meeting last night, at which plans were made for the welcome reception. These plans may or may not be carried out tomorrow, depending upon the time the Cornhuskers get here. Announcement will be made in The Nebraskan.
The Plans as Made
The plan as first made provided for a parade, leaving the campus at noon, to reach the station just as the whistle tooted on the incoming locomotive. The parade was to have been headed by the Freshman band, fifty musicians, and with it the state farm band.
The carry-all that was used to take the team to the station had been secured again, and it was planned to haul the men in state through the principal streets down town, the musical cohorts aided and abetted by the band that has been playing from here to the coast. Then a brief rally was to have been held in Memorial hall, 1 o'clocks excused for the purpose.
That was the general plan. It will probably be carried out tomorrow. The team was scheduled to leave Billings, Mont., at 9 o'clock this morning, and to get into Lincoln tomorrow at noon.


Team Plays Hookey.jpg


“Team Plays Hookey-- Home Tomorrow,” Nebraska U, accessed April 26, 2024,

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