Letter, James Canfield Resignation


Letter, James Canfield Resignation


Canfield, James Hulme, 1847-1909


James Canfield's published farewell letter to the faculty and Board of Regents.


Canfield, James Hulme, 1847-1909


RG 05-07-01, James H. Canfield, Chancellor Records


Archives & Special Collections, University of Nebraska-Lincoln Libraries


1895, June 5


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University of Nebraska
Executive Office
I desire to express to the members of the University Senate and to all others engaged in the work of instruction, my sincere appreciation of the unfailing kindness and the many courtesies that have marked all our relations during the last four years. All conditions have been such as to call for great patience and forbearance on the part of each towards all, and all towards each; and in this you have never failed. You have borne undue burdens, you have taught excessive hours, and you have submitted to limitations and embarrassments in the conduct of University affairs, such as no other Faculty in an institution of similar rank has ever known. Yet you have been so thoughtful and so considerate and so loyal that, with rare exceptions, you have given the executive no anxiety save that which came with a desire to relieve you, and no disappointment save that arising from a sense of his inability to make your work lighter or its conditions more favorable. Iwish to say in this formal way that which I have said and written again and again during my administration: there is no more active, no more effective, Faculty in the entire list of state Universities.
I know that others, who cannot see all the inner life of an institution, have often given me much credit that belongs to you. Be assured that I have always endeavored to right this wrong, and to place the credit for the really wonderful advance of the University where it justly belongs. If I have ever for a moment seemed to think or to do otherwise than this, there has been a strange variance between my life and my heart.
I part with each of you with sincere regret. I have never pretended to be so many-sided as to understand all that you have sought in your departmental efforts. But I have felt a keen and personal interest in each department and in its development. I have striven to give evidence of this by as impartial an administration of University affairs as lay within my power. I know that I have often disappointed you in this, but this has been a fault in judgment or ability, not in purpose or desire.
The University of Nebraska stands easily today in the "big four" of State Universities. I am sure you will maintain this standing, and that you will even advance the relative position of the institution. This work I shall watch with the eagerness of personal interest and with all the good wishes possible from one who has been permitted to take part with you in the development of institutional reputation and power.
With expressions of highest respect and kindest personal regards, believe me now and ever,
Most Cordially Yours,
James H. Canfield




Canfield, James Hulme, 1847-1909 , “Letter, James Canfield Resignation,” Nebraska U, accessed May 20, 2024, https://unlhistory.unl.edu/items/show/933.

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