Homecoming Decs the Depression: Tradition Outlasts Great Depression (1929-1940)

Project Editor: Stephanie Demers, History 470: Digital History, Spring 2008

Table of Contents

In the Beginning
Rules & Judging
UNL and the Great Depression
1930s Decoration Winners

Editorial Note: Images are from the Cornhusker Yearbooks dating 1930-1940.

Homecoming Photos

By observing the photos of homecoming decorations from the late 1920s until they were cancelled in 1932, notice their elaborateness. After the cancellation period, when the Greek houses were again allowed, and in fact, encouraged to participated in homecoming decorations again in 1936, it was neither a competition nor were the decorations ornate and complex. Finally, in the late 1930s, decorations began to return to their elaborate selves.

Click on the thumbnails to view examples of the house decorations through the decade.

Image of Cornhusker yearbook page displaying the homecoming decoration contest winners, c. 1929. DOI: 2008
Homecoming Decoration Contest Winners, c. 1929

Image of Cornhusker yearbook page displaying the homecoming decoration contest winners, c. 1930. DOI: 2008
Homecoming Decoration Contest Winners, c. 1930

Image of Cornhusker yearbook page displaying the homecoming decoration contest winners, c. 1931. DOI: 2008
Homecoming Decoration Contest Winners, c. 1931

Image of the Sigma Nu house decoration in 1938. Notice the attention to detail!  Homecoming decorations are starting to strengthen again, c. 1938. DOI: 2008
Sigma Nu Homecoming Display, c. 1938

Image of homcomoing decoration from Sigma Alpha Epsilon, c. 1939. DOI: 2008
Sigma Nu Homecoming Display, c. 1938