[Editorial Note:
Letters from John McConihe to J. Sterling Morton copied with permission of the Nebraksa State Historical Association on 17 January 2008 from the MS7 J. Sterling Morton Papers, 1862—1868, Roll 3. Copy and reuse restrictions apply; see the Nebraska State Historical Society Use Policy (http://www.nebraskahistory.org/lib-arch/services/refrence/use_policy.pdf).
]J. Sterling Morton Papers, 1862—1868 MS7 Roll: 3 #8310 Nebraska State Historical Society
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Troy N.York March 6th 1862 Dear Sterling
I wrote you several days ago and, for your own satisfaction, enclosed that $1000 note endorsed by you, in order to assure you that the same had been settled and your name erased. I also enclosed a draft for $150 in favor of John B Kellogg @ 30 days date for your acceptance. To which letter I have received no reply— Your usual promptness in business matters led me to infer that you had left Wash—ington and returned to Nebraska City, in—asmuch as you did not write, so I directed an other letter to you on the subject at Neb. City; but this morning I learn from a letter received direct from our mutual friend E.B. Chandler, that you are in Wash—ington. The letter referred to by me was directed to the Kirkwood House and I hope it (and the enclosed notes) has not been lost. Please hunt it up.
Since I wrote you that letter I
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have recieved from Judge Armstrong your a/c, and I find you owe me $17833 (the amount I told you in Washington I supposed it to be)— But that is imma—terial as we can settle hereafter any difference asked you for a dollar, had I not needed it, in order to take up that $1000 note. I wished to have you released and to let you know that true friends never desert each other. I told Kellogg that draft ($130) was good and he accepted it the same as money. I asked the privilege of sending it to you, as I knew you would be ad—verse to having it come thro the Banks. It belongs to Kellogg and you will now be obliged to return it to him or send him the money, as I shall go West to rejoin my Company on Tuesday next. Please send it to him (John B Kellog Cashr Cental Bank) as soon as possible, so that the Cashr will not think either of us has pocketed it, it being the only evidence of indebtedness which he possesses for said amount ($150) since the note was taken up.
I shall return your account by mail to Judge Armstrong before I go West and you can look over these at your leisure. But I hope this informal rebellion
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will be crushed out soon, and that I can my—self talk with you at Omaha.
I am getting better and gaining strength daily but am still quite weak. I do not think I could thrash an individual, of equal weight or smaller, yet. Neagle would whip me to—day. The Dr. says, I must not go, but, Morton, you are acquainted with my restless nature, And Go I Will.
You will find a long letter from me at Neb City when you arrive there. I enclosed a Photograph of "ye soldier" to Mrs Morton. Write me as often as you can, di—recting to St Louis.
On receipt of this write me at St Louis directing to
Your friend Capt. J. McConihe
Please write Kellogg also on receipt of this, as he will be disappointed unless that draft turns up soon. Our credit is good with him and we can hereafter get accommodations in case they are needed. Give my best regards to Hon W. A. Richardson, the "Great" Giant, of Illinois, Best regards to the ladies of your house.