Resources & Publications

Search Photographs located in Archives & Special Collections that showcase the history of the university, the campus, and beyond.

Search the Cornhusker yearbooks and other student annuals online.

See additional online exhibits related to university history and other resources in Archives & Special Collections.

Find articles from UNL's student newspaper, The Daily Nebraskan, and from other Nebraska newspapers that reported on the university and the activities of the university community.

Semi-Centennial Anniversary Book: The University of Nebraska, 1869-1919 This is a history of the university presented through articles written by faculty such as H.B. Alexander, George E. Howard, Louise Pound, and Hattie P. Williams

Robert Manley's Centennial History of the University of Nebraska is searchable through a web browser. Manley produced this history in celebration of the university's centennial anniversary.

The University of Nebraska-Lincoln College of Agriculture: The First Century by Elvin F. Frolik and Ralston J. Graham, provided in multiple parts via Digital Commons.

An Architectural Tour of Historic UNL by Kay Logan-Peters

Metzger Memories. Written by UNL alumnus Jim Metzger on his career and his association with the University of Nebraska in Turkey.

IANR Historical Background: Pertaining to the Creation and Operation of the University of Nebraska Institute of Agriculture and Natural Resources. Written by Alan R. Moeller, 2015.

Visit Nebraska Public Documents provided by History Nebraska, the Nebraska State Historical Society, for selected materials relating to the University of Nebraska-Lincoln.