- Title
- Date
- 25 February 1932
- Description
Periodical: The Omaha World-Herald
pages: 5
25 February 1932 - Transcription
N. U. Professor and Instructor Eliason Are Suspended.
Lincoln, Neb., Feb. 24 (AP).—Prof. L. c. wimberly and N. E. Eliason, instructor in the English department at the University of Nebraska, today were suspended from the faculty until September 1 of this year as a result of a liquor raid at a dance in the university coliseum February 13.
The two faculty members were in a room where liquor was found when federal dry agents raided the place.
Chancellor E. A. Burnett announced the suspension. At a special meeting yesterday the board of regents of the university heard testimony of officers who participated in the raid and from teh two instructors.
Dr. Wimberly will continue as editor of the Prairie Schooner, literary quarterly in which the university is interested. He said he plans to remain in Lincoln and devote all his time to the publication. Mr. Eliason said his plans are indefinite.
Deny Part in Liquor.
Neither commented on the action of the regents except to again deny they had any connection with the liquor seized in the raid which resulted in the filing of a federal charge against Alan Williams, a former university student.
Williams was charged with illegal possession of liquor. He was arrested with the two instructors in a room at the coliseum. Mrs. Eliason and two young women also were taken to police headquarters by the officers, but released promtly [sic]. Officers said they found the six persons in the room.
The other women were Miss Lucille Mills and Miss Viola Butts, graduates of the university. Williams is free on one thousand dollar bond pending action of the federal grand jury. Williams, who has been business manager of the Prairie Schooner, will no longer be connected with the publication, Wimberly said.
Others Take Classes.
Classroom work of the two instructors today was taken over by other members of the English department staff.
An all-university party had been held in the coliseum before the raid occurred. The instructors were chaperons at the party and said they had noticed something wrong in the room just before the officers arrived and had gone there to investigate.
Chancellor Burnett in a statement today said the raid had no connection with the party and testimony showed no undergraduate students were involved. The party had closed a half hour before the raid. - Source
Author: Staff, The Omaha World-Herald
Title: "Wimberly to Lose Classes for Time"
Periodical: The Omaha World-Herald
pages: 5
25 February 1932
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