Request for the resignation of committee members by MASA


Request for the resignation of committee members by MASA


This is a letter addressed to Chancellor Zumberge written and signed by the membership of the Mexican-American Student Association (MASA). The letter is stamped (in blue ink) to indicate that it was received by the chancellor's office on April 5, 1974.
In this letter the members of MASA request the resignation of three members of the chancellors committee on Mexican American Affairs: Sam Franco, Stan Porras, and Nick Garcia who MASA is accusing of having "failed to institute, advocate and support any issues relevant to Chicano students." (Click on thumbnail to enlarge image.)





Original Format



Dr. James H. Zumberge
Chancellor University of Nebraska-Lincoln
308 Administration Bldg.
University of Nebraska
Lincoln, Nebraska 68508
Re: Mexican American Advisory Board to the Chancellor

We, the undersigned, Mexican American Student Association (M.A.S.A.) and the Mexican American student body, request that you, as the Chancellor, with whom the Mexican American Advisory Board was set up, request the resignations of Sam Franco, Stan Porras, and Nick Garcia, who have failed to institute, advocate and support any issues relevant to Chicano students on and off campus such as:

1) Failure to communicate leadership positions to all concerned, i.e. that there are many students on and off campus and people in the community who don’t even realize the existence of purpose of their representation.
2) Failure to take interest or involve themselves in activities regarding M.A.S.A. students i.e. the affirmative actions program, hiring of Ralph Grajeda.
3) Failure to communicate any worthwhile knowledge concerning Chicanos, i.e. not keeping students up to date on the progress of the affirmative action issue.
4) Misrepresentation of values and philosophy of the Chicano and the Mexican American community of Nebraska.

We, therefore, do not feel and will not acknowledge persons such as Stan Porras, Nick Garcia and Sam Franco as responsible and viable Nebraska community spokesmen.

Realizing that their expertise has extended far beyond their potential because of their involvement in too many activities, i.e., Mexican American Commission, G.I. Forum, Mexican American Advisory Board to the Chancellor, Simon Orta Scholarship Committee, and Bilingual Bi-cultural Program, we therefore feel these three members of the Mexican American Advisory Board have lost their effectiveness and usefulness as spokesmen and advisors to the University students.

Realizing that the Mexican American Advisory Board is one of our viable resources that should be used to advocate and motivate Chicano concerns, we cannot let the ineffectiveness or a few people to styme [sic] the intents of the committee.

We feel that the responsibility of ousting these three members should not be left to the members of the Committee, but to you as the Chancellor and governing power of the board.

Marta Hernandez Sally Garcia
Linda Hernandez Jack ??
Vince ?? David A. Rosas
Edmon ?? Juan Suarez
Marina S. Jalero Richard Ortiz
?? D Valdez Pedro B. De la Rosa
?? Richard Bandarez
Juan Bautista Carlos Garza
Connie Ochoa Carmen Sanchez
Mary Zamor Jenny Lopez
Rose Marie Mercado Catarina Bautista
Maria E Sanchez Victor Duran
Jay?? Emilio Medina
Antonio Ramirez Sheila Rocha
Jesse Cervantes Cecilia Eisenhauer
Eleazar Cruz Mark Chavez
cc: Dr. Kenneth Bader, Vice-Chancellor
Dr. Ralph Vigil, Chairman of Mexican American Advisory Board




“Request for the resignation of committee members by MASA,” Nebraska U, accessed May 3, 2024,

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