Townley to Regents, Accounts
Townley to Regents, Accounts
1884 Money requests directed at the Board of Regents from military for the Cadet Band
Lt. Richard Townley
University of Nebraska, University Archives and Special Collections, Acc#949, 24/12/07/04 B2
1884, Dec. 19
Hon. Board of Regents, 19 Dec., 1884
Nebraska University,
I respectfully request that the Hon. Board of Regents will make the necessary appropriation to keep the following accounts: W. N. Prescott, instruments for band, $54.45
Prof. Easterday, salary as band instructor; 50.00
“ : bill for music furnished. 5.50
Under the instruction of Prof. Easterday the band has made excellent progress. His salary is the answer that the Hon. Board has allowed him before. In my opinion it is a reasonable compensation for his services.
The instruments purchased were necessary for the maintenance of the band, and were bought at the best [illegible] possible
Very respectfully,
R. H. Townley
Lieut. U. S. A.
Nebraska University,
I respectfully request that the Hon. Board of Regents will make the necessary appropriation to keep the following accounts: W. N. Prescott, instruments for band, $54.45
Prof. Easterday, salary as band instructor; 50.00
“ : bill for music furnished. 5.50
Under the instruction of Prof. Easterday the band has made excellent progress. His salary is the answer that the Hon. Board has allowed him before. In my opinion it is a reasonable compensation for his services.
The instruments purchased were necessary for the maintenance of the band, and were bought at the best [illegible] possible
Very respectfully,
R. H. Townley
Lieut. U. S. A.