Cornhuskers in Snow as Train Crosses State Line


Cornhuskers in Snow as Train Crosses State Line


Nebraska Football


Cornhuskers in Snow as Train Crosses State Line, The Daily Nebraskan


October 19, 1916



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Cornhuskers in Snow as Train Croses State Line

Alumni Greet Football team as Stops are Made

Practice held at Julesburg, Col., and Laramie, Wyo.- Everybody Happy, Says Thomas

By Dwight P. Thomas.

(Special Telegram to the Daily Nebraskan.)

Laramie, Wyo. Oct. 18.- From the warmth of the greatest sendoff ever given a Cornhusker football team to six inches of snow at Julesburg, Col., Coach Stewart's team has finished the first lap of its cross-continent trip to the enemy's country.
Everybody is happy. pride in their school, the pure fun of the trip, hope of a victory over the best team on the coast next Saturday, are all uniting to make the University's band, football team, rooters, coaches, and business men making the trip, feel in the best of spirits.
A Triumphal March
The westward progress of the special train has been in the nature of a triumphal march, crowds turning out at each town on the itinerary to greet the Cornhuskers, and wish them luck. Alumni of the University, who have in a measure lost touch with their alma mater, have seized the opportunity to get again a taste of Nebraska University spirit, and to join again in the varsity yells and songs.
Crowds at North Platte met the train and exchanged greetings for a few minutes while the train crew were receiving their orders. At Sidney, Neb., the high school students acted as the reception committee. It is safe to say that every one of the high schools pupils made the mental resolve that he would not cease his school days until he had come to the University of his state.
Overcoats Hauled Out
As the train cleared the Nebraskan prairies, and got into the high plains of Colorado, the change in temperature became marked. Overcoats were hauled out of suitcases, and the football men donned their sweaters not only for the proud display of their colors, but to keep warm as well. At Julesburg the thermometer read 28 degrees above zero, and snow six inches deep lay on the ground.
The first practice of the football team on the road trip was held in the streets of Julesburg. Clad in light running trunks and jerseys, the twenty-three varsity men limbered up before crowds of Coloradoans, running through signal practice, and drilling upon the formations to be used against the Oregon Aggies next Saturday afternoon.
Men in Fine Fettle
The men were in fine fettle, and went through their paces with snap and vim.
The cadet band gave its first concert in Julesburg while the team was practicing. With every instrument polished to the highest degree, every uniform in best of trim, and their scarlet sashes proudly declaring the colors and name of their school, the band tooted enthusiastically and thrillingly the Cornhusker hymns, as well as some of their long repertoire of stirring pieces.
One of the Julesburg druggists, knowing student nature, and declaring that he had never listened to a better band, produced a five-pound box of candy which was taken to the train and soon disposed of, the coach keeping his eye on the men lest they partake too freely of the sweets. Little danger of that, however, among the hungry mob.
Julesburg to Laramie
From Julesburg the train sped on to Laramie, where the stop is being made now. The team got into track suits here, and have been running through their formations again under the prod of Stewart. No matter what lineup starts the game Saturday, every man will be ready to fulfill the pledge made at the great rally Tuesday night, "For Nebraska, we will."
Coach Stewart has been improving the time during the trip with informal talks over the Saturday game and after lunch today he gave a blackboard talk to the men, instructing them on the formations that would probably be met, and showing them how to break up the opposition plays.


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“Cornhuskers in Snow as Train Crosses State Line,” Nebraska U, accessed September 19, 2024,

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