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Clifford Hardin seated at a desk looking at documents

Original caption: "Junior Division Chief Dr. Benston." Bengston seated at a desk speaking to a student.

Nels A. Bengston standing next to a globe he holds with two hands.

Detail of an image of Rodney Bell published in the Daily Nebraskan, June 14, 1990.

A detail from an article in the Lincoln Journal Star, February 18, 1987, page. 19, regarding a decision to allow a condom giveaway at the University of Nebraska Lincoln.

A detail taken from the 1970 Cornhusker yearbook, page 115, showing a student with a raised arm. (,522#page/115/mode/transcription)

Article titled "Regents don't reflect student views-campus leaders," by Brenda Moscovits, published in the Daily Nebraskan on April 26, 1978.

Official logo for the University of Nebraska-Lincoln student organization Pride in Business

An advertisement that appeared in the Daily Nebraskan on Dec. 11, 1963 for a Louis Armstrong concert in the Nebraska Union on Dec. 12, 1963.

A photo of Joan Baez that appeared in the Daily Nebraskan from an article "Baez Advocates Peace in Her Songs, Actions," published on Nov. 13, 1967, with a caption reading "Singer Joan Baez will be heard Nov. 15 at Pershing Auditorium."

A photo of a page from the student publication titled The Gadfly, with one article headline reading "We Shall Not Adjust"

An excerpt taken from a publication titled the Corn Shucks with a photo of a women seated on a wrestler with the headline reading" Corn Shucks Interviews with a Lady Wrestler."

An excerpt taken from a publication titled the Corn Shucks, showing a racing form for women, using antiquated satirical language to describe the women.

520200-old arch-hall.jpg
A photo showing the original construction of the Architecture Hall as seen from the west side.

A photo of student standing in the doorway of Architecture Hall under a sign reading "rest in peace."

A photo of two students at a desk with a publication titled "Vietnam Report" and a sign reading "Boycott the May 14 draft deferment test don't be a part of the war machine."

Flyer advertising a war protest reading: "Angry about what Nixon's doing in Cambodia? Be outside the union (northside) 1:30 Monday - May 4 and do something about it!!! (A.S.U.N. approved)"

A liberty bond poster showing a soldier asking another man about buying bonds, with the statement "I'm giving everything. What are you giving?" The poster also reads "Can you look him squarely in the eye and answer"

A photo of the south facade of the Agricultural Engineering building located on East Campus.

College of Medicine at the University of Nebraska campus in 1913 as shown for the Fourth Annual Alumni Week of the University of Nebraska College of Medicine.

A postcard photo of the Mechanical Arts Building on the University of Nebraska campus in 1910.

Population chart showing the number of adults and children living in each unit at Huskerville through June and July of 1952

A photograph of adults and children shown on the port of a Huskerville home.

A group of men shown seated on each other's knees to form a circle in a Omaha, Nebraska, street.

A page from the 1922 yearbook showing a portrait of Amanda Heppner.

A page from the 1944 yearbook with a tribute to C.S. Boucher.

A page from the 1944 yearbook showing C.S. Boucher seated at a desk in an office.

James L. Sellers seated at a desk reading a handwritten document.
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