A letter in the yearbook to the publications board by van Dusen. Transcription:
To the Publication Board
Censure is the usual potion of those who loudly demand a reward for their own labors, however meritorious. Yet it sometimes happens that he…
Political cartoon of William Jennings Bryan and William Howard Taft standing, each with an arm resting on a short pillar with Lady Justice atop. The side each man has his arm resting on has his record inscribed on it. Taft's lists, Judge, Gov. of…
Political cartoon of William Jennings Bryan standing a top a weather vane with one arm help up. The arms of the vane are marked as "Radicalism," "Conservatism," "Govt Rail Roads," "Free Silver."
William Jennings Bryan looking at Uncle Sam and pointing to his empty hand. Uncle Sam holding paper with the text "Tafts Record" and lists Taft's experience.
Political cartoon of Uncle Sam holding a photo of William Jennings Bryan in his right hand and looking upward. Text above the drawing reads, "Uncle Sam: 'Bryan _ Bryan. The name sounds familiar?'
Political cartoon of William Jennings Bryan running on a wooden treadmill that is powering a saw. The saw blade is halfway through cutting off a portion marked as "Defeat 1908." Two other portions of the log lie on the ground marked as, "Defeat…
Political cartoon of William Jennings Bryan sitting on a bench in at a train station holding a baby marked as "Ryans $20,000." A woman in the background, marked as "Ryan" walks away. Behind the bench Bryan is sitting at is a suitcase marked as…
Political cartoon of William Jennings Bryan standing a chair changing the wording of a sign hanging on the wall. The sign is marked with "I would rather be [strike through] right than [end strike through] President."
Political cartoon of William Jennings Bryan shaking hands with Uncle Sam. Reverse of images includes the following text, "There is no [three illegible words], Mr. Bryan, glad to have you back."
Political cartoon of William Jennings Bryan and Uncle Sam sitting in chairs and facing each other. Bryan holding hands together with worried expression on his face.
Political cartoon of William Jennings Bryan and Samuel Gompers running from a building marked as "Central Federation of Labor." Men in the doorway of the building are throwing vegetables at them. Gompers is carrying a small bag marked as "$15."