Article, "Gate 'Monuments' on UN Campus in Storage"


Article, "Gate 'Monuments' on UN Campus in Storage"


A newspaper article, from the Daily Nebraskan, June 21, 1947, about the moving of the old iron gates to Agricultural Campus for storage.


Daily Nebraskan


RG 38, The Daily Nebraskan, June 21, 1947. Building & Grounds Files, Box 8


Archives & Special Collections, University of Nebraska-Lincoln Libraries


1947, June 21


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Gate "Monuments" on UN Campus Put in Storage

Removal of the two weathered and rusting iron gates--university landmarks for 55 years--located in front of Pharmacy hall at 12th and R and in front of the Student Union at 14th and R on City campus, will be completed this week.

Originally part of a closely-spaced iron picket fence erected to keep out wandering cows--and late-strolling students--the gates had figured prominently in campus events several times in their history.

Moved to their present locations five years ago to serve as monuments, the gates were originally located at the two walks entering the campus and were for several decades shifted from place to place.

In 1942 when moved to the spots selected near the Union and Pharmacy, the gates were the subjects of spirited editorial campaigning during the university's organized
"scrap iron drive." After much debate and an unofficial Daily Nebraskan poll--which found 90 percent of the students polled in favor of "saving" the gates-the then new "monuments remained where they were until this week.

To Be Stored

L.F. Seaton, operating superintendent of the university, said Saturday that the four rusty posts, two ornamental arches bearing the seal of the university and wrought iron picket gates will be stored in the "archives" under the west stadium for future historical "reference."

"We have had some criticism on the appearance of the gates, and people have decided that they are now out of place," Mr. Seaton said.

Removal of this last piece of the famous fence, erected in 1892 at a cost of $6,800, will close the colorful story of these landmarks.
"It was only after spirited debate in 1982," according to the Lincoln State Journal, that "the state legislature could be persuaded to appropriate enough money for campus improvements and the cost of the new fence--an expenditure of 'questionable merit.'"

"For thirty years, until one March morning in 1922 students and faculty arrived to find the barrier gone. To this day no one knows who exactly ordered its removal. After two years of storage on Ag college campus, it was sold to Wyuka, where it now stands along O street."

As of Monday, the gate anchored in front of the Student Union, originally scheduled for removal Saturday, was still in place. Removal of this remaining gate is expected this week.

Original Format

Newspaper Article




Daily Nebraskan, “Article, "Gate 'Monuments' on UN Campus in Storage",” Nebraska U, accessed October 23, 2024,

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