The Komensky Club 1916


The Komensky Club 1916


The 1916 Komenksy Club


An image of the 1916 Komensky Club with a list of officers and a brief history of the club on page 363 of the 1916 Cornhusker.


Special Collections, Love Library

Original Format

A page from the 1916 Cornhusker.


The Komensky Club was organized in November, 1903, by eleven Bohemian students. This constituted what became the Federation of Komensky Clubs of America. Today there are thirty chapters with a membership of 1,200. Some of the University Chapters are located at Colombia, Northwestern, Nebraska, Minnesota, Illinois, Texas, Iowa, Ames and Leland Stanford.

The purpose of this club is to aid in the organization of Chapters in all parts of the United States especially at prominent colleges and universities where a number of Bohemians attend, so that they might become better acquainted with the Bohemian language and literature and create a greater interest for a higher education among the Bohemians of their respective states.




“The Komensky Club 1916,” Nebraska U, accessed May 5, 2024,

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