UNL and the Dry Spell: Student Attitudes Toward Prohibition, 1931-1932

Project Editor: Jeffrey Miller, History 470: Digital History, Spring 2008

Table of Contents

The Wimberly Affair
The Beer Apartment Raid
Source Page

Editorial Note:This is a partial transcription from the Board of Regents special session to decide if action should be taken against Professors Wimberly and Eliason. Note that this document contains the only mention of Wimberly and Eliason drinking liquor. All other sources contain denials.
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(Continuation of session.from Omaha)

(See page 281)

At Lincoln
February 23d.,1932
Regents. Special.

(Recessed from Om.)

February 23d.,

Present regents Stanley D.Long,Fred A.Marsh,Marion A.Shaw,
Arthur C.Stokes and Frank J.Taylor. Absent,regent Earl Cline.

Officials present,
Stanley D.Long,president of the board,presiding.
Edgar A.Burnett,chancellor of the university.
James S.Dales Sr.,corporation secretary of the board.

Inquiry into use of intoxicating liquor at a dancing party on the univ.grounds in Lincoln

The board proceeds at once with inquiry into the presence and use of intoxicating liquors,by members of the university Faculty,recently,at an all-university party in the coliseum building on the university campus.

The testimony of two Lincoln city detectives in charge of liquor law enforcement and a campus policeman is heard;and affidavits by Federal prohibition officers who made the raid.

No university students were found to have knowledge of the presence or use of liquor at the dance party.

Professors L.C.Wimberly and N.E.Eliason were heard in their own defense,each admitted that he had drank some liquor,in a room of the coliseum building some distance from the dancing floor.

Executive session: motion to dismiss 2 faculty members declared to fail on Roll Call

In executive session after consideration of the testimony regent Marsh moved seconded by regent Stokes that professors L.C.Wimberly and N.E.Eliason be requested to present their resignations,to take effect at once.

Roll call being requested,the vote resulted as follows:
Ayes,regents Marsh and Stokes - - - - - - - - - - - 2
Nays,regents Long,Shaw,Taylor - - - - - - - - - - - 3
Absent regent Cline - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1
The motion is declared to not prevail.

Professors Wimberly & Eliason suspended for a certain time without salary,on Roll Call

On further consideration,regent Shaw moved seconded by regent Taylor that professors L.C.Wimberly and N.E.Eliason be and are hereby suspended at once,without salary from March 1,1932 to September 1,1932,except that they may each receive 1/4 pay for the second semester of the current school year.

Roll call being requested,the vote resulted as follows:
Ayes, regents Long,Shaw,Stokes,Taylor - - - - - - - - 4
Nays,regent Marsh - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1
Absent regent Cline - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1
The motion is declared to prevail and it is so ordered.

Back to Wimberly Affair


Secretary's Record of the Board of Regents
RG 01/01/02
Periodical: Volume: II
Page: 282
23 February 1932
Archives and Special Collections, University of Nebraska-Lincoln Libraries