Men of the Museum 1869-1927

Image of Erwin H. Barbour

A photograph of Erwin H. Barbour looking at the leg bones of the t. osborni
               exhibit. DOI: 433

Erwin H. Barbour with t.osborni legs

Standing between a mounted Tetrabelodon osborni leg on the right and Elephas indicus leg on the left, Erwin H. Barbour looks at the T. osborni leg. Both legs are mounted on wooden bases and have vertical supports. The setting is indoors in front of a broad doorway.

date 1915

Glass Plate

Image courtesy of University of Nebraska Archives and Special Collections


UNL Archives and Special Collections ContentDM
Erwin H. Barbour, Museum Photograph Series
RG 32/01/01
Periodical: Box: 38
Folder: 1
Archives and Special Collections, University of Nebraska-Lincoln Libraries