The Rise and Demise of the Latin School

Project Editor: Kimberly Kraska, UCARE, 2007

Table of Contents

Back to the Basics
Student Reactions
Being Preppie
Board of Regents Minutes and Papers

Editorial Note:

Hesperian Student cover from May 1, 1886.

Hesperian Cover from May 1, 1886

Students of the University of Nebraska are unique and opinionated. This selection of The Hesperian Student emphasizes the students' thoughts on the Latin School. Some editorials criticize the preparatory department while others incorporate suggestions and ideas for the school. Included on this page are some yearbook drawings. These drawings also illustrate the Latin School in relation to the University proper.

A drawing of class organizations in the 1895 Sombrero.

Drawing of Class Organizations.

A drawing of the evolution of the classes from the 1895 Sombrero.
